Lorraine Mohan


Senior Client Service Specialist

Lorraine is responsible for scheduling and preparing annual reviews for clients; preparing client paperwork, including new account and transfer forms; and acting as a liaison between the firm’s wealth management team and the custodians’ client service departments.


What do you enjoy most about working at Modera?
Working as a team. Everyone is cooperative, supportive, and puts “we before me.” I’m also encouraged to ask more questions with the open door policy. You never feel like you are “troubling” or “putting out” someone when you walk into their office or cube to ask a question. Everyone stops what they are doing, listens to your question, and gives their thoughts or advice.

When you’re not working you’re…?
Either running, biking, or swimming, and spending time with my husband, Dave.

Where did you grow up? Where do you live now?
I grew up and still live in Norton, MA.

How do you caffeinate?
Early morning workouts with my friends. It gets me going for the work day ahead.

Articles by Lorraine Mohan

Professional Designations

Financial Paraplanner Qualified Professional℠


Bay State College, A.A.