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Here, we highlight a few strategies we recommend to our business owner clients. While these strategies may not be new, we believe it’s always beneficial to revisit them.

During the holiday season, you may have some long-anticipated plans to spend quality time with your loved ones.

This simple financial map was designed to provide some perspective for managing your finances at different life stages and may help this ongoing process feel a bit more manageable and less intimidating.

Let’s face it: You’d be hard-pressed to find a grandparent anywhere who won’t admit to the pleasure of spoiling the grandkids.

Dina Megretskaia and Victoria Tejeda explore how these tax-advantaged accounts can help you save and invest for a child’s future educational needs. Much like your 401(k) plan at work, 529 plans offer a set list of investments and the assets inside can grow tax free.

Trusts are bounded solely by your imagination and tax law. There is a tremendous amount of truth to that statement as trusts can be designed to do almost anything.

A key aspect of effectively managing a small business is establishing a retirement plan that is appropriate for your organization.

As financial advisors to many medical professionals, Modera has found that, when it comes to their finances, dentists have very specific needs. Here we address the three typical financial stages of a dental career and explain how a relationship with a Modera advisor can help to secure your financial wellbeing.

At financial planning firm Modera Wealth Management, the best seats at the table are always available for women.

Growing up, I was fortunate to have had a financial role model in my mom. From the time I was very young, she taught me how important it is for a woman to take control of her finances. In the evenings, when we headed to bed, I remember watching my mother retreat to the den, where she stayed up late to organize files, pay bills, and try to make sense of the piles of documents that financial and insurance companies kept sending her. And, while my mother’s salary never matched my father’s, she believed it was important to work outside the home and always made sure she earned an income of her own.


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