James Serrano


Portfolio Manager

When you’re not working you’re…?

When I’m not working, I’m normally doing something athletic. In addition to playing soccer in a league here in Tampa, I compete in obstacle course races, train for marathons, and enjoy rock climbing (bouldering). I love watching sports, especially Barcelona FC and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. I also enjoy spending time with my dog, Albus, or exploring the outdoors through hiking and camping whenever I can.

What’s the best career advice you ever got?

Network, network, network. There are a lot of things in life that may be out of your control. However, one area you can control is your network; who you meet and who you surround yourself with. I was a junior in college when someone gave me this advice and many doors have opened for me through proactive networking. The opportunity to join Modera came from networking; I attended an FPA conference and someone from my network introduced me to a Modera associate. After a 5-minute conversation, he encouraged me to apply for a position with Modera and the rest is history!

Where did you grow up? Where do you live now?

I grew up in Tampa, FL but I have lived many places throughout my life. I was born in New York and moved to Florida at a very young age. My parents sent me to Guatemala for a couple summers to learn Spanish. Since leaving for college, I have lived in Indiana, Barcelona, California, and Georgia. I’ve come full circle back to Tampa, where I currently reside. I’ve been very fortunate to have experienced so many different locations.

What’s a destination in the world that you aspire to visit?

There are so many but the top of my list is Peru. Peru is where my father grew up and I went once as a young child, but I don’t remember the experience. I’ve been lucky to explore my roots on my mother’s side in Guatemala but not in Peru. I’m proud of my heritage and it would be amazing to visit and learn more about the culture and my history.



Articles by James Serrano

Professional Designations



Indiana University, Bloomington

B.S. Finance/Spanish minor


Georgia Institute of Technology

Masters in Sustainable Energy and Environmental Management

Community Involvement

DEI Committee Chair for the FPA national organization

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