Ashley Santos
Senior Client Service Specialist
Ashley is responsible for scheduling and preparing annual reviews for clients, preparing client paperwork, including new account and transfer forms, and acting as a liaison between the firm’s wealth management team and the custodians’ client service departments.
What do you enjoy most about working at Modera?
My colleagues, honestly just amazing people to work with and it really feels like a Modera family.
What has been a particularly rewarding moment in your career?
One moment that stands out is a client thanking me for all I have done for her when her husband passed away and letting me know she couldn’t get through this without me/Modera. It was not just about helping her with all the paperwork but was more fulfilling since it was more on a personal level by just being a listening ear or a person to confide in (again another extension of our Modera family).
When you’re not working you’re…?
Spending time with my new baby boy Sean and my family. I am very family oriented!
Where did you grow up? Where do you live now?
I grew up in Bergenfield, NJ and now live in New Milford, NJ (the next town over from where I grew up).