Alishia’s responsibilities include data analysis, supporting client relationships and assisting wealth managers in developing comprehensive financial plans.
What do you value most in your client relationships?
Trust and connection are everything to me. I believe the best client relationships are built on open communication, mutual respect, and a genuine understanding of my clients’ goals and dreams. I value the opportunity to be a partner in their journey – whether that means providing guidance, celebrating wins, or navigating tough challenges together. I’m committed to being someone they can rely on every step of the way.
What’s the one thing people say you’re best at?
If you asked my friends, family, or colleagues, they’d probably say I’m best at making people feel truly heard and supported. Whether it’s helping clients achieve financial clarity, brainstorming solutions with a teammate, or supporting loved ones through life’s challenges, I thrive on listening closely and trying to provide thoughtful guidance and support. I love being the person they can lean on.
When you retire you’re going to…?
When I retire (a long, long time from now!), I plan to retire near a beach; where the sun, water and sand just have a magical way of cleansing my soul. But I hope to be able to travel more in retirement. I’m passionate about traveling, discovering new cultures, and meeting new people. I caught the travel bug while spending a semester of college in Lugano, Switzerland, and Rwanda, Africa.
Where did you grow up? Where do you live now?
I grew up in Richmond, Virginia, and now live in Fairfax County, Virginia.
Virginia Tech, B.S. in applied economic management with an option in financial planning
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