Jennifer Faherty

Jennifer Faherty, CFP®

Head of Coaching, Principal


As Head of Coaching, Jennifer provides career coaching, life coaching, and multigenerational support to Modera clients as they navigate job transitions, retirement, and other life stages. Drawing upon her interdisciplinary knowledge and experience in coaching, psychology, education, facilitation, and financial services, she is part of the advisory team and helps to support Modera’s holistic approach to financial planning and investment guidance. Jennifer also plays a key role in fostering an internal coaching culture by facilitating sessions with staff as they progress in their careers and by setting effective standards for firm-wide coaching practices and initiatives.

In addition to the CFP® certification, Jennifer holds a coaching certification through the International Coaching Federation (ICF), a certification in applied positive psychology from the University of Pennsylvania, and a Master of Arts in education from Columbia University/Teachers College. Prior to Modera, she founded a private practice focused on money, career, and life coaching and has coached over one hundred people throughout her career.

Outside of work, Jennifer can always be found with these three things in hand: a book, a journal/planner, and a hot beverage (usually tea or coffee, but sometimes bone broth). She loves to spend quality time with family and friends, and travel internationally. Jennifer gives back to her community as a trained Hospice and Home Health Care worker, a CFP® professional mentor for women seeking to enter the financial planning industry, and an advisory board member for Unveiled, a non-profit helping underrepresented populations gain access to corporate leadership positions.


How do you feel you help to create impact for clients?

Most of our clients stay with us for a long period of time. Because of this, we are often with them as they experience career transitions and other life stages where they could use additional support beyond our core financial planning and investment management services. And, as we know, wealth often carries with it a huge emotional component.

In my role as a trained coach, I hold space and act as a sounding board for clients, helping them navigate through life’s stages and emotional issues that money can sometimes stir up. Having a coach as part of the team reinforces Modera’s holistic and comprehensive approach to wealth and finances. It’s very rewarding.

What do you enjoy most about working at Modera?

The people. I’ve worked at many places in my career and know how rare it is to find colleagues you genuinely enjoy spending time with and who continually strive to work in the best interest of their clients and team members. I feel fortunate to work here.

When you retire you’re going to…?

I love what I do so I don’t anticipate retiring any time soon. But in my alternate universe, my husband and I own a bookstore and paper goods company that still allows us to travel and spend quality time with our family and friends. I also envision living abroad for a month or two in Spain.

Where did you grow up? Where do you live now?

My parents are originally from the Philippines, but I was born and raised in Michigan. After heading to the northeast for college, I ended up living in New York City for many years and then moved my family to New Jersey where I have been for the past two decades. I love living on the East Coast but am immensely proud of my mid-western and immigrant roots.

